From Triangle to Revolved Triangle. .


From Utthita Trikonasana to Parivrtta Trikonasana can be a
big leap. While this is not a full sequence, it should get you started and you can be creative with where it leads you! To all my students, a few notes are tucked in here for you!

Start with Utthita Trikonasana (extended triangle).  Do several repetitions and if the body is stiff, start with the brick on the high height and after a few repetitions work to
less height if possible. Don’t stay long, rather do repetition to get warmed up. Jess, you can even do this while you are jet-setting around the globe with Will :)


Virabhadrasana I (warrior I) will bring space to the back
leg groin and calf, it will also increase flexion in the front leg hip and extension
in the back leg hip.  Do several times with repetition.

Parsvottanasana (intense stretch to one side pose) can be a wonderful
bridge towards Parivrtta Trikonasana (revolved triangle). But this is a big pose and there is a lot to explore. Especially if your hamstrings are tight (Hey Joey, are you reading this? ;)

Again, start with height. Try a chair. (clearly by the look on my face I’m excited about this one)

Then work your way down.

stiff 2 .jpg

Then try a brick and work your way down (or not!)

parsvo brick.jpg

Then maybe hands to the floor or head to shin.  Working high to low with repetition is good for the body. See what’s possible and don’t over do. . .got it Viv?

Parsvo full.jpg

To work your way towards revolved triangle, if the body is stiff, try using a chair
and taking the hand forward at a diagonal.

Parsvo diagonal.jpg

And this may be all you do!
Or, if you can, then try the hand to the inside.

PT hand to inside.jpg

If that is coming along, try the hand to the outside (Bebe did I just hear you groan?).

PT hand to outside.jpg

Then try the full pose. . .Robin, beautiful. . I just know it.

PT full.jpg

You might repeat Parsvottanasana again and see if it has improved. (Laura Lee, this is so good for you! and Michelle, you too!)


This is just a partial sequence, now it’s your chance to be
creative and build the rest of your sequence on your own! Don’t stop, keep
going, and be sure to take a rest in Savasana at the end. Come on Carla and Andy, now is your time to invest in your home practice, you can do it.

Aum Peace Peace Peace

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Opening to Lotus, for healthy hips and a stable seat.


A Restorative Sequence